Pinterest is a popular social media platform that allows users to discover, save, and share ideas and images on various topics such as food, fashion, home decor, and more. With over 400 million active users and a high engagement rate, Pinterest offers an excellent opportunity for businesses and individuals to make money online with their accounts. In this article, we will explore different ways to make money online with your Pinterest account and turn your pins into profits.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online with a Pinterest account. It involves promoting other people’s products and earning a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link. As a Pinterest user, you can create boards featuring products that you love and recommend, and include your affiliate links in the pin descriptions.

To get started with affiliate marketing on Pinterest, you first need to find affiliate programs that are relevant to your niche. Some popular affiliate networks include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction. Once you join an affiliate program, you can start creating pins featuring products from the program and earn a commission for every sale made through your links.

It is important to disclose that you are using affiliate links on your pins to comply with Federal Trade Commission guidelines. You can do this by including a simple disclosure in your pin descriptions such as “This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.”

Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is another way to make money online with your Pinterest account. It involves partnering with brands to create pins featuring their products and services. Sponsored content can take many forms, including product reviews, tutorials, and round-up posts. Brands will pay you a fee for creating and sharing sponsored content on your Pinterest account.

To get started with sponsored content on Pinterest, you first need to establish yourself as a reputable content creator in your niche. You can do this by creating high-quality pins that showcase your expertise and attract a large following. Once you have built a significant following, you can start reaching out to brands and pitching your services.

When pitching to brands, it is important to be clear about your rates and the type of content you can create. You should also provide examples of your previous work and highlight your engagement rates and reach.

Promoted Pins

Promoted Pins are a form of advertising on Pinterest that allows businesses to promote their pins to a wider audience. As a Pinterest user, you can also create Promoted Pins and earn money by promoting other people’s products and services. Promoted Pins appear in users’ feeds and search results, making them a great way to increase visibility and drive traffic to your website.

To get started with Promoted Pins on Pinterest, you first need to create a business account and set up your advertising account. You can then create a Promoted Pin campaign and set your targeting and budget. Promoted Pins can be targeted based on demographics, interests, keywords, and more.

If you are promoting someone else’s products or services, you can include your affiliate links in the Promoted Pin descriptions to earn a commission on any sales made through your links.

Sell Your Own Products

If you have your own products to sell, you can use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website and increase sales. You can create boards featuring your products and include a link to your website in the pin descriptions. You can also use Rich Pins, a special type of pin that provides additional information about the product, such as pricing and availability.

To get the most out of selling your products on Pinterest, it is important to optimize your pins for search by including relevant keywords in your descriptions and using high-quality images. You should also engage with your followers and other users by commenting on their pins and responding to their comments.

Sell Your Services

If you offer services such as consulting, coaching, or design, you can use Pinterest to promote your services and attract new clients. You can create boards featuring your work and include a link to your website or portfolio in the pin descriptions. You can also create pins featuring testimonials from previous clients to showcase your expertise and build trust.

To get the most out of selling your services on Pinterest, it is important to create high-quality pins that showcase your work and attract attention. You should also engage with your followers and other users by commenting on their pins and responding to their comments. Additionally, you can use Pinterest to network with other professionals in your industry and collaborate on projects or joint ventures.

Sell Printables or Digital Products

Printables and digital products such as e-books, courses, and templates are popular items to sell on Pinterest. You can create boards featuring your products and include a link to your website or online store in the pin descriptions. You can also use Rich Pins to provide additional information about your products, such as pricing and availability.

To get the most out of selling printables and digital products on Pinterest, it is important to create high-quality pins that showcase your products and attract attention. You should also engage with your followers and other users by commenting on their pins and responding to their comments. Additionally, you can use Pinterest to promote your products through affiliate marketing by partnering with other bloggers or content creators in your niche.

Offer Sponsored Reviews

Sponsored reviews are another way to make money online with your Pinterest account. They involve partnering with brands to create honest reviews of their products or services. Brands will pay you a fee for creating and sharing sponsored reviews on your Pinterest account.

To get started with sponsored reviews on Pinterest, you first need to establish yourself as a reputable content creator in your niche. You can do this by creating high-quality pins that showcase your expertise and attract a large following. Once you have built a significant following, you can start reaching out to brands and pitching your services.

When pitching to brands, it is important to be clear about your rates and the type of content you can create. You should also provide examples of your previous work and highlight your engagement rates and reach. Additionally, it is important to disclose that you are being paid for the review in your pin descriptions to comply with Federal Trade Commission guidelines.


In conclusion, there are many ways to make money online with your Pinterest account and turn your pins into profits. Whether you choose to promote affiliate products, create sponsored content, or sell your own products or services, the key to success is to create high-quality pins that showcase your expertise and attract attention. Additionally, it is important to engage with your followers and other users on the platform and to comply with Federal Trade Commission guidelines when promoting sponsored content or affiliate products. With the right strategy and effort, you can use Pinterest to build your brand, attract new clients or customers, and generate a steady stream of income.

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